“Maverick in her approach”

I will nurture, develop and deliver with everything that is presented to me

Thinking Outside the Box, Nurturing Businesses to Acheive Potential.

Elevate your brand with expert influencer marketing and photography services. Let’s create captivating stories together that leave a lasting impression.

Power in Partnership award

In 2009 we won the Power in Partnership award from Business in the Community which was at Clarence House for our “maverick approach” to working within the community.

Lobbying for children

I have spent a great deal of time lobbying MP’s and the Government to raise awareness of childhood obesity on the nationwide agenda and frequently visited Westminster.

Speaking events

I am also confident speaking at every level with my previous experience sitting on European behavioural change programmes from Norway to Bucharest. (EPODE)

Dr Miriam Stoppard Royal College of Physicians

“The PhunkyFoods Healthy Kids Programme is one of the highest quality initiatives of its kind I have come across anywhere in the world bringing about changes in eating and exercise behaviours in schoolchildren across the UK”.

Liz Read, Nutritionist, Nestlé UK

“Drawing on this breadth of expertise, our UK programme represents a significant investment in health education for children in our communities. We are very excited about the programme’s potential in terms of direct health benefits to the 76,000 children involved. “ 

“Maverick is in its approach and forming the first food industry consortium on the back of the then  governemnts 2005 white paper choosing health that the obesity epidemic is a shared responsibility of government school and parents”

The Royal Society of Public Health

Accolades and Government Policies

Lets collaborate on the latest government policies and how I can help acheive success.

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Contact Sorrell

Let’s connect! Reach out to me today, and let’s turn your ideas into reality
